
Upcoming Events

Sunrise Meditation

Saturdays closest to the full moon – Sunrise Meditation (5:00 a.m.).  The location for the event is St. Mark Church – College Savannah, St. John.  Looking forward to seeing you on this next occasion.

August 17th

September 21st

October 19th

Book Study

Later in the year, we will host Leslie Hershberger, a leading teacher of the Enneagram Framework.  The Enneagram event will be our main event of 2024.  In preparation for exploring this work, an online book study will begin in the first week of June.  The text is – The Enneagram Guide to Waking up: Find Your Path, Face Your Shadow, Discover Your True Self – by Beatrice Chestnut and Urania Paes. This Book Study will be online and will take place on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 6:00 p.m. The two times are being offered to facilitate persons’ other commitments. Sessions will begin September 21, 2024.

All are required to register for the Book Study in order to access the sessions.  Please register by clicking the following link:

Enneagram Workshop - Barbados Event - LESLIE HERSHBERGER

Save the Dates:

Wednesday 13 November – Public Presentation.

Friday 15 November -Sunday 17 November – Retreat – Path to Purpose

Venues will be announced as they are confirmed.

Past Events

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum ac

Tremendous events over the course of a week.  There was a public gathering and a retreat later that week held at Codrington College.  A truly significant look into the world of the Wisdom Traditions.

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